About Us

​​​Wisconsin's District Attorney Information Technology program (DAIT) provides IT services and support to over 1600 customer users in all of Wisconsin’s 71 state prosecutor (district attorney) offices. Wisconsin state prosecutors enjoy a secure, centrally managed network, state-standard hardware and software, and a state-standard case management system with interfaces to key systems used by the courts, law enforcement, and other justice partners. 

With guidance from the Wisconsin District Attorney Association, DAIT works to ensure that DA offices have the right information at the right time to make the right decisions, and can bridge information gaps within the larger justice community.

Participation in this program has always been voluntary. Starting with the first office in 1996, DAIT worked with each to transition them, one by one, from independent county networks to the state-wide DA Network, a stable, consistent, secure technology platform.​

With a secure network in place, next came the implementation of PROTECT​, a DAIT-built and managed case management system to help prosecutors meet the changing needs for data sharing among justice partners, and take advantage of opportunities for automation and paperless, e-business.  PROTECT stands for Prosecutor Technology for Case Tracking. Many of Wisconsin's larger, metropolitan DA offices already had in-house IT shops and their own case management systems, which sometimes included interfaces with county justice partners. Early adopters of PROTECT were generally smaller offices without existing systems. In January 2014 the last of Wisconsin's DA offices joined the DA Network and implemented PROTECT.  

As PROTECT was being implemented in interested DA offices, DAIT developers begun working with other justice partners to build critical interfaces between PROTECT and their systems, which were implemented over time.

Through daily assistance, weekly training, and regular, on-going product and service enhancements, DAIT's help desk, technicians, developers, analysts, and managers work with District Attorney offices to optimize their use of PROTECT and all DAIT tools, so they can streamline processes, let go of paper, and work more efficiently. 

DAIT is proud to support Wisconsin's state prosecutors whose challenging and important work we deeply respect. ​